
So I’ve decided that my mind and my life need some simplification. So I decided I’m taking a break from facebook, and am going to spend more time specifically focusing on my life here in Denver instead of spending too much time on the computer. This may result in more time to blog, read, write, walk outside, work, etc etc. It’s amazing to me that I feel so stretched thin to the end of myself when all I’ve done all day is be at home. That clued me in to the fact that I’m not doing the things that truly give me joy and peace and purpose. So I’m going to experiment and try taking out some things and putting in some other things to see how that changes my life daily. :) I’m actually quite excited about making this change, but absolutely unsure of what it’s going to be like. The fact that I don’t know what my life will be like without facebook and more grounded in the present is a big clue to me that it’s something I definitely need to do!! Here’s to a new adventure of simplifying my life!

In other news (incredibly big news!), Lindsey asked me to marry her yesterday, and I said YES :D She took me away to this beautiful inn in Grand Lake for the weekend. I took this pic when we first got there…

Lindsey wrote me a poem asking me to come away with her and it was so romantic. I was so happy to be in such a beautiful place with my favorite person in the whole world. Look how beautiful this place is…

But this was my favorite view of the weekend :)

We went kayaking together…

And the next day we went hiking by a waterfall and my Lindsey asked me to marry her :) I was very happy!

I love her so much. I am incredibly blessed and thankful that God brought her into my life 4 years ago. She is my soul mate. She makes me a better person. God is so good to us! We see His hand working in our lives, in our relationship, all around us. It is a beautiful and wonderful thing. Thanks baby for such an amazingly fun, romantic, and memorable weekend filled with love!

4 thoughts on “Simplify

  1. Hi Stephanie! I linked onto your blog from the LBP FB group… just wanted to say CONGRATS to you and Lindsey for getting engaged!!!! Tams and I got engaged just over a year ago and got married this past May – God is so incredibly faithful on this winding journey of ours as gay Christians! I just wanted to encourage you guys, and your decision to lead a bit of simpler, less technological life! Definitely something I struggle with, and so tough in our society! Anyway, bless you Ladies, and I look forward to checking in on your blog! In Christ, Stacey

  2. So, I just found your blog and am a bit late in the congratulations but wanted to give them anyway! What a beautiful couple! Thanks for sharing a piece of your life.

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